
Dr. Zhuangji Wang

Postdoctoral researcher

Dr. Zhuangji ("Z") Wang is a post-doc of Dr. Kate Tully in the Agroecology Lab at University of Maryland, College Park and a visiting scientist in the Adaptive Cropping System Laboratory at USDA-ARS, Beltsville Agricultural Research Center. Z grew up from a metropolitan area in China, but somehow fell in love with agriculture in his twenties. Z earned his B.S. in 2012 at China Agricultural University, majored in resource and environmental science. After that, he travelled across the world and obtained his M.S. and PhD in 2015 and 2017 at Iowa State University, with major in soil science (soil physics) and minors in applied mathematics (PhD) and statistics (M.S.). Zā€™s research interests including soil moisture sensor development and data interpretation, numerical simulations of water and energy movements across the soil-plant-atmosphere system, and digital image restoration with adaptive filters. Z is currently working on the developments of soil surface runoff, diffusive root growth and surface coupled water and heat movements modules within MIAZSIM-2DSOIL software, and the developments of piecewise inverse analysis of measured TDR waveforms.